Turn your tenders into revenue FAST!
Write winning tender responses and effortlessly reveal your hidden value to buyers with TROI; tender specific AI for your business.
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Features & Benefits
Secure AI Technology
Don’t give your data to OpenAI or Google. Use Tender Relief and ensure all your data stays private and confidential, just as it should be.
Tender Specific Writing
Tender Relief’s AI, TROI, knows how to write best-practice tender responses that are professional and context specific.
Tailored to Your Business
TROI learns about your business, emphasising your value and transforming AI generated text from generic to tailored, just like a human would do it.
Document Upload
Provide TROI with historical bids, product descriptions and more to give it a comprehensive understanding of what your business does best.
Cut submission writing time!
Win more contracts!
Reduce bid writing expenses!
Get more high value work done!
How it works
Sign up
Create your account to get access to TROI, our Tender writing AI, and the extensive list of articles in our Knowledge Base.
Business Profile
Fill out your Business Profile and explain your product or service.
Tender Profile
Fill out your Tender Profile including the scope of work and objectives.
Draft Response
Ask TROI to draft a response to one of the specific tender questions.
Private & Secure
TROI keeps your data and business information completely private and secure.
None of your data is stored for use by others, or for training future models. Your information is yours, not ours!
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More than just an AI chat bot
Tender Relief offers an extensive knowledge base, containing articles about tender best practices and helpful tips and tricks to create your best tender submission.
Read Tender Relief's exclusive help guides:
  1. Tender Writing Guide
  2. Cover Letter Writing Guide
  3. Executive Summary Writing Guide
  4. Guide to Managing Portal Submissions
  5. Guide to Document Version Control